Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Statement

Computeraid works with well qualified and experienced staff and associates.  Computeraid take continual professional development seriously.  As a company we expect all our staff and associates to keep their workplace skills and knowledge current and as such will assist staff in their professional development. Job descriptions and appraisals help to maintain our standards, identify any gaps in provision, skills or knowledge and then provide the relevant intervention for improvement.

Computeraid assign tutors who are well versed in the subject matter under consideration. Computeraid has developed extensive monitoring documentation and “tutor assessment” forms.  Each course given, both public and otherwise, asks that attendees comment over a wide range of practical aspects, e.g. course administration, technical content, competence of tutor, environment and other factors.   Delegates are invited to make other comments or suggestions regarding the course.  These forms are submitted in confidence.

Follow-up calls are made within a fortnight to a percentage of course delegates to ensure we have accurate feedback once a delegate has had the opportunity to reflect on the learning experience.

Over 97% of our course attendees rate the tutors’ ability as being very good to excellent.

All course assessments are separately evaluated by the Training Manager and the Technical Manager and analysed on an Excel spreadsheet. This allows the Training Manager to generate specific data on a particular course or trainer to ensure that our high standards are met.  Discussions take place on a regular basis between all trainers and Computeraid management with a view to further improving presentational procedures and to review comments made by attendees on the service provided.  Improvements felt necessary are then implemented – and successively reviewed again on an on-going basis.

Tutors also complete forms commenting on Computeraid standards and offering feedback on the day’s training from the trainer’s perspective.  Any problems evident from these forms are immediately followed up both with the tutor and the client.  The vast majority of our courses are marked between 4 and 5 (very good to excellent) and Computeraid has come to expect this as a standard for our trainers.  Any course not reaching these standards is closely examined (even though a mark of 3 equates to Good) to ensure that the needs of the clients are being met.

If any one particular aspect of the course has been commented upon adversely this will be investigated and endeavours made to remedy the situation.


Quality of Service Provision / Procedures and Controls

Computeraid training and consultancy services are generally provided in accordance with client specifications

The Training Manager will administer onsite or company specific courses.  Private courses may require a Training Needs Analysis or pre-training /consultancy visit to the client which would be undertaken by senior members of the Computeraid team.  The client’s needs are firmly established so appropriate bookings can be made.  The Training Manager (or Project Manager) will keep in close contact with the client to ensure the success of the training programme.  We practice “shadowing” so there will be one main point of contact with a deputy who is fully briefed on the contract to cover during holidays or other absence.

All bookings and outcomes would be closely monitored so that appropriate management reports could be produced at regular intervals.  If required Computeraid can run ‘mock’ ECDL tests as part of the training day to evaluate delegate competence before the person actually sits the test itself.

All new invigilators will be observed during their first test session and annually thereafter to ensure assessment regulations are being followed.  All staff involved in the administration and / or assessment of qualifications will have gone relevant training to their role.

These results can be fed back to the client’s Project Manager.

We envisage contract compliance meetings at appropriate intervals to discuss the progress of the training programme.  These meetings would be seen as an excellent opportunity for a dialogue on improving or streamlining the joint venture to provide the best results possible.

Computeraid holds monthly meetings to measure our own performance against our company standards.  If issues arise they can be dealt with promptly and effectively ensuring a consistent high level of service to our customers.  Computeraid achieved Investors in People so is committed to training and development to continuously improve our staff and thus our relationships with our clients.

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