Microsoft Word

August 2024
Introduction to Word

Introduction to Word – level 1

Understand and practice the basics of word processing on this Introduction to Word course. Introduction to Word  – Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Introduction to Word course is designed to familiarise the inexperienced user with the essential concepts of Word.  Learn how to create, save, edit and print simple documents, enhance text and use the […]
07 Aug
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Computeraid Swansea
4th Floor, 11 - 12 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1DP
Intermediate Word

Intermediate Word – level 2

Build on your basic word processing skills to develop professional documents on this Intermediate Word course. Intermediate Word – Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Intermediate Word course – level 2 is designed to equip the user with a proficient grasp of Word.  The day will include an overview of commands covered on the Introduction to […]
12 Aug
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Computeraid Swansea
4th Floor, 11 - 12 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1DP
Advanced Word online

Advanced Word – level 3 – Online

Become an Advanced Word expert. This course is delivered online.  Advanced Word – Online Course Objectives Learn how to customise Word and work effectively with long documents. This Advanced Word course is delivered online. This hands-on, tutor-led  Advanced Word – level 3 course is designed to enable the proficient user to gain extended use of […]
30 Aug
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Virtual Training
September 2024
Introduction to Word

Introduction to Word – level 1

Understand and practice the basics of word processing on this Introduction to Word course. Introduction to Word  – Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Introduction to Word course is designed to familiarise the inexperienced user with the essential concepts of Word.  Learn how to create, save, edit and print simple documents, enhance text and use the […]
11 Sep
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Computeraid Swansea
4th Floor, 11 - 12 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1DP
Intermediate Word

Intermediate Word – level 2

Build on your basic word processing skills to develop professional documents on this Intermediate Word course. Intermediate Word – Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Intermediate Word course – level 2 is designed to equip the user with a proficient grasp of Word.  The day will include an overview of commands covered on the Introduction to […]
18 Sep
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Computeraid Swansea
4th Floor, 11 - 12 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1DP
October 2024
Introduction to Word

Introduction to Word – level 1

Understand and practice the basics of word processing on this Introduction to Word course. Introduction to Word  – Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Introduction to Word course is designed to familiarise the inexperienced user with the essential concepts of Word.  Learn how to create, save, edit and print simple documents, enhance text and use the […]
07 Oct
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Computeraid Swansea
4th Floor, 11 - 12 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1DP
Intermediate Word

Intermediate Word – level 2

Build on your basic word processing skills to develop professional documents on this Intermediate Word course. Intermediate Word – Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Intermediate Word course – level 2 is designed to equip the user with a proficient grasp of Word.  The day will include an overview of commands covered on the Introduction to […]
14 Oct
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Computeraid Swansea
4th Floor, 11 - 12 Wind St, Swansea SA1 1DP
December 2028
Intermediate Word Online Course

Introduction to Word – level 1 – Online

Understand and practice the basics of word processing on this Introduction to Word course. This Introduction to Word course is delivered online.  Introduction to Word  – Online Course Objectives The online Introduction to Word course is designed to familiarise the inexperienced user with the essential concepts of Word.  Learn how to create, save, edit and print […]
31 Dec
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Virtual Training
Intermediate Word Online Course

Intermediate Word – level 2 – Online

Build on your basic word processing skills to develop professional documents on this Intermediate Word course. This Intermediate Word course is delivered online.  Intermediate Word Online Course Objectives This hands-on, tutor-led Intermediate Word course – level 2 is designed to equip the user with a proficient grasp of Word.  The day will include an overview of […]
31 Dec
9:15 am - 4:00 pm
Virtual Training
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